Hey guys, I’m Rocki Patrice and I’m a freelance segment producer and content creator amongst a lot more talents that equip me to discuss making content as a table of contents to your creative expression. If you’re not sure what a segment producer is, we’ll let me enlighten you! A segment producer is the coordinator of the details that complete a section in TV, music videos, movies and so much more. I’ll tell you more about this later as we dissect all the moving parts in creating content. But before getting into all the good stuff, you must know the importance of our relationship through this series of articles. Imagine meeting the producer of your favorite TV show and they allow you to speak to them weekly to learn how to be the best in film production. That would be amazing and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you cannot pass on, right? If your response is yes; not only will you enjoy this read but it will change your life.
Content creation is one of the most important elements of the arts in modern society. No seriously, content creation has become the go-to for financial gain, entertainment, blogging, and more. Many times the world is in a life-threatening moment and you will see with there phones recording well before you see them calling for help. People from all walks of life, of all ages, and in all industries are using their creative expression to build businesses and social profiles, or just simply share their lives with their peers.
According to Google, Content is any type of information, media, or message shared by users to engage, inform, or entertain their audience. The content creators become what my 16-year-old daughter and her friends call “internet famous “ once they learn how to reach their audience and keep them engaged. There are some of the most unique people who may get ignored in daily life for not being so likable who have mastered the art of content creation and became monetized influencers because of their success in finding there audience or like I like to say; They have found their people.
Here is the strategic steps you will want to take before producing the content just to ensure the success in it.

Most people in this day and time are willing to be embarrassed to have shareable content in the social media world. If you’re asking what is shareable content, let me explain so we stay on the same page. Sharable content is the content created that one would watch and want others to see. It’s how we get our viral moments on social media. To accomplish this, we have to take the lid off and be open to try the things that are like to create conversation. If you can get your viewers talking, your 5 minutes of fame just may never end. For my readers who are more of a blogger. Talk show host or commentator. It’s the same as asking open-ended questions in an interview or a review.
An open-ended question allows the interviewee or the viewers a broad perspective to respond, giving them more opportunities to express a point fluently. For example. Asking a question to your audience like, Do you think TikTok is gone for good? The reply could be as simple as yes. But if you ask why you think TikTok is gone for good, it opens a door to expression. Now as this relates to shareable content, behavioral analysis suggests, that if you can evoke a strong reaction out of people, you have created content that taps into physiological triggers. And this is where we get our internet sensations.
So now that we understand, when making shareable content, you need your content to evoke a variety of emotions and or opinions; And just like that open-ended question, the sky is the limit on who can connect with your content. Shareable content is not the content you have to tag 100 people every day and say share this for me, please. It’s the exact opposite. Once you publish any content that has likability and visibility and influences people to share with others, you open up the floodgates of heaven with opportunities for yourself.
Marketers advertisers brands Public relations managers, you name it, they all want to connect with people who can make shareable content. You can monetize your content creation and change your social status if this isn’t right.
Before you get started with creating, let's talk about how know to what to create. I think the first fair question is what’s your goal in content creation? Are you creating for fun or business? Where will you publish your content? And who will watch you read or view it? It’s more needed to assess but let’s start here.
Step into my office, grab some coffee, and have a seat. I’m putting my Pr management hat on for you and we may be here a while.
Why is it important to know what’s your goal? Knowing your goal in making content determines the narrative or the content you produce. For instance, you do not want to be a professional accountant who manages money for a living but the content you produce looks like you're struggling financially. How you narrate your brand is very important to how it translates through your content. Knowing your goals gives you direction for what type of content and where to publish it. Now if you ever skip this step and go straight to creating; the damage control to fix the misdirection can cost you much more effort than you may be willing to give. Just so you follow me, let me give you an example of what I mean.
Referring back to being an accountant, companies or clients trust you to manage their money and be organized minimizing tax liability in the event of an audit. If your goal in your content is to show you the best person for the job, posting content in a bonnet, and mixing matching pajamas with Coal in your eye may elude to you being lazy, unprepared, and unprofessional. If you get a viral moment out of the commentary of the viewers. Trying to sell them on your organization and professionally will be very hard to challenge with the visual proof being judged by masses of people. You may have to do a campaign strictly to redirect people's perception of you that may be effective or it may not. Some brands never recover from things published about them that contradict who theirs supposed to be. So! I’m saying all of that to say, do not overstep any steps but do not overstep this one.
Now I’m going to give you an example of a person I know of who shows us how to effectively target your audience with your content. Let's use Nicole Fegan as an example. Nicole is a criminal defense attorney, known for a record-breaking record in wins with notable rappers vouching for her. She became popular on social media after rapper Peewee LongWay posted her saying she is the best in criminal defense. I can imagine in posting on social media, after an influx of the rap community now following her. Her goal is to keep them engaged.
Understanding the stereotypical look and personality of a criminal defense attorney, it may be very boring to follow her on social media if that’s what she is giving with her content. You know the old uptight, in a suit, using terminology that’s not relatable that this demographic of people struggle to understand. Now there is nothing wrong with the status quo of criminal defense attorneys. But if her newfound popularity was going to set her apart, her goal would be to embrace her differences in being young, a woman, and Caucasian while being hip. Now, in Looking at her content, that is not what you usually see from a lawyer. However, if her goal was to get in front of the criminals and be liked by them while being the best pick for the job, she did that successfully. She is trendy fun vibrant and very much so hip to street lingo and songs the Streetz love. She is backed by hip-hop influences that are respected in the culture. The culture shock in this creates chatter amongst the ones who like and dislike her approach to social media marketing.
The commentary from them both makes her more popular with the ones who need her the most. Now giving my disclaimer, this is my observation, it’s not aligned with facts. However, it is validated with the facts in behavioral analysis. She evokes emotions good and bad.. taking her criminal defense career to “internet famous “ status.
If I could speak to her, I’m sure she would say I’m a genius because how did you know that? Lol. Yes, I’m flattering myself, don’t judge me, but I’m right. That goal aligns with the creative direction of her post. Traditionally, young kids like to see cool old people. Old people like to see mature young people and culturally, hip hop, tv, and films portray the hip Caucasians all the time. Fegan is a perfect example of shareable content. It’s an endless battle of the politically correct and their adversaries; triggering the algorithm to make her be seen.
So we discussed the goals and is they for business or fun. But now we need to know where are we publishing?
Where you plan to publish your content determines if it’s a meme, a blog post a recap video a reenactment a commercial or a picture. It’s so many ways to express yourself with content that you will want to produce the right content for the right outlet so it’s most effective. That all I have today guys. When we return, I will expound more on where to publish and add a few more steps to assess before you start the fun part in creating.